Welcome to our 6-month calendar of courses and events. If the course you are interested in is not listed here, kindly contact our registrar, Sadhana Kaur at kundaliniyogatherapy@grdcenter.org.


The Journey of the Soul: Kundalini Yoga Therapy to Prepare for Death and Transform Grief Copy

Yoga at the Ashram 368 Village Street, Millis, MA, United States

Open to those fully enrolled in the International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Professional Training The yogic understanding of death, the capacity of the yoga therapist to be present with dying, and to support grief recovery from a yogic perspective. Continuing Education units for yoga teachers through 3HO Germany and IKYTA. Attendance for full duration is required […]


Overcoming Cold Depression (Europe/North & South America)

Cold depression is our single biggest challenge in the Contemporary Age.  It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to take destructive risk and to self-sabotage.  Cold Depression underlies addiction and stress-based illness and is a barrier to success.

Assessment and Treatment Planning (Australia/North America)

Open to those enrolled in the certification track only. This segment is required before clinical practicum begins.
The yogic understanding of the process of change, the therapeutic relationship, how to administer a comprehensive assessment, form a treatment plan and track progress over time. The application of  numerology as an assessment tool, motivational interviewing for changing health behavior, a process for helping your clients change self-limiting beliefs, and the influence of social determinants of illness and health are detailed.

Gender and Health Across the Life Cycle (Australia/North America)

Open to those enrolled in the certification track only.
Understand  the western and the yogic perspective of human development across the  life  span  and life cycles, including male  and  female  psychology  and  physiology.  Explore biomedical and yogic approaches to  health challenges unique to men, to women and to those identifying as LGBTQ+, and  the  application  of  KY  Therapy to  support  recovery.  Discover the western and the yogic perspective of healthy aging, the health conditions associated with gender as we age and the yogic approach.

The Application of Kundalini Yoga Therapy to Immune Viral Cancer (Australia/North America)

Open to those enrolled in the certification track only.
Develop  an  understanding  of  the  yogic  psychology  and  physiology  of  illnesses  related  to  the  Immune  system  including brain gut axis, polyvagal theory in relationship to immune response, Western treatment  approaches, contraindications  and  the  application  of  KY  to  support recovery from viral and bacterial conditions and all forms of cancer.

Overcoming Cold Depression (Europe/North & South America)

Cold depression is our single biggest challenge in the Contemporary Age.  It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to take destructive risk and to self-sabotage.  Cold Depression underlies addiction and stress-based illness and is a barrier to success.

Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices (Europe/North & South America)

Teaching Kundalini Yoga To People With Health Conditions

Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher training prepares us to teach to people who are healthy. A separate set of skills is required to teach to people with health conditions. This training gives Kundalini Yoga teachers the foundation we need to begin to develop those skills and to deepen and expand the application of yogic philosophy, technique and habits of conscious living toward health recovery.

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